Interpretation of the Notice of the General Office of the National Health Commission on Further Promoting the Work Related to Accelerated Recovery Surgery


1. Drafting background

Accelerated recovery surgery is a diagnosis and treatment concept with the purpose of optimizing the medical service process and perioperative medical measures as the main method to reduce postoperative complications and stress responses, shorten the hospital stay of surgical patients, reduce surgical risks, and promote postoperative recovery, as well as a systematic diagnosis and treatment model under the guidance of this concept. The concept and model of accelerated recovery surgical diagnosis and treatment is an effective means to improve the efficiency of medical services and the utilization rate of medical resources, and is an important part of promoting the refined management of hospitals and the high-quality development of medical services.

Since 2019, our committee has organized and carried out the pilot work of accelerated recovery of surgical orthopedics, which has achieved positive results, and local health administrative departments and relevant medical institutions have accumulated valuable experience. In order to further promote the application of the diagnosis and treatment concept and diagnosis and treatment mode of accelerated recovery surgery in the field of surgery, our committee summarized the experience of the previous pilot and the typical practices of relevant medical institutions, and issued the "Notice of the General Office of the National Health Commission on Further Promoting the Relevant Work of Accelerated Recovery Surgery" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice") for the reference and use of local health administrative departments and relevant medical institutions.

Second, the main content

The "Notice" is mainly divided into four parts, one is to improve the capacity of medical services and improve the level of medical services in the whole process. It is emphasized that medical institutions should strengthen the construction of relevant departments and improve the understanding of the concept and model of accelerated recovery surgery. The second is to improve the work system and promote the implementation of the surgical diagnosis and treatment model for accelerated recovery. Encourage medical institutions to establish and improve relevant management systems and mechanisms, formulate and improve relevant work systems and diagnosis and treatment plans, promote multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment models, and optimize medical service processes. The third is to strengthen the management of key links and improve the effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment and the efficiency of medical services. The requirements for preoperative assessment, preoperative preparation, surgical quality, postoperative management, psychological support, etc., guide the clinical rational selection of surgical timing and surgical methods, strengthen perioperative management, reduce and control surgical trauma, and promote postoperative functional recovery. Fourth, optimize the policy environment to ensure the smooth development of relevant work. Guide all levels of health administrative departments and relevant medical institutions to improve the evaluation index system and evaluation mechanism, improve the incentive mechanism, increase the intensity of publicity, and comprehensively use relevant management tools to promote the work related to accelerated recovery surgery.

At the same time, our committee organized experts to formulate relevant evaluation indicators, including indicators of work development, perioperative management indicators and medical quality and safety indicators, etc., for the reference of local health administrative departments and relevant medical institutions in the process of carrying out relevant work.
